Dupont Underground

This past weekend I had the pleasure of touring the Dupont Underground. The have some very cool exhibits and the people running the tours are fun and friendly. I highly recommend going if you have the time and you are able to get tickets. The are also in need of support. The space is huge and much of it does not have power because years ago people came in and pulled out much of the copper wiring and plumbing, so if you are able to support them in any way, I am sure they would appreciate it. Click here For more information or to volunteer. Below are some pictures from my trip through the tunnels.

On Rye

Yesterday I happened to be in the Gallery Place/Chinatown area for work and realized that is where this On Rye place happens to be. I remember hearing about it a few months back, but didn’t have the chance to check it out when they opened, then forgot to do so.

I will say that I am glad I took the time to stop there for lunch. The staff was very friendly and the service was quick. The sandwich (I ordered the egg salad) was delicious and served on perfectly toasted rye (seriously, I don’t think I have ever seen a more perfectly toasted piece of bread), and it was enough food on its own that I did not feel the need to order a bag of chips or a cookie to go with it. However, I will say that you might want to get one of those cookies to save for later because they looked delicious as well.

If you have not had the chance to check it out yet, I highly recommend On Rye for a good, quick lunch.


On Rye – 740 6th Street, NW

A Beautiful Weekend Ahead


According to the weather reports, it is supposed to be sunny with a high of 67 degrees both days this weekend. I would suggest taking some time to get out and enjoy the weather. Forget about politics for a few hours and go for a hike, jog, or bike ride and enjoy some nature. Or at least grab a drink at a place with a patio.

Also feel free to take a stroll by the White House or Capital with a sign that lets them know how you feel. Call a senator or congressman and tell them to keep their #HandsOffDC.

Whatever you do, make sure you take advantage of the great weather that is coming our way after the past two cold days.

A Break from the News


Since the news has been filled with more and more about the Trump administration  basically committing treason, but the Republicans are consistently putting party before country, I decided it is time to post something to help calm us all down. Take a minute to breathe and look at some of the pictures that I have taken over the past several months and forget about what is going on in the world for a few minutes. Then when you are relaxed again, make sure you get back out there and keep fighting the good fight.



Pineapple & Pearls pop up at Archipelago

Last night I had the pleasure of trying out the Pineapple & Pearls pop up at Archipelago. I lined up outside at around 4:30 and waited outside for about an hour before I was able to get in the door, then had to wait a bit longer at the bar to be seated with my group. But the wait was worth it. The tacos were delicious. Considering their prices for their regular restaurant, I figured this was one of the only ways I would be able to try their food.

The wait time once I was inside was eased by the delicious (and strong) tiki drinks served by the very talented bartenders at Archipelago. One can never go wrong with their Captain Cody. I say any drink with Navy Strength Rum is a good start to any night. Hopefully they will decide to do something similar in the near future, and if they do, I  will make sure to get in line a little earlier for less of a wait.

Dissent is Patriotic: Here is a listing of upcoming protest events

Thanks to PoPville for posting. A Facebook page for protest events has been created so that you can always know how to plan your weekend (or weekday) activities showing that you do not approve of what our government is doing. Click here for a full listing of upcoming events were you can gather with others to show your dissent. And don’t forget to keep calling members of congress to tell them how you feel about any current issues. If they keep hearing that people do not approve of what they are doing they will change their behavior because they know that, eventually, they will have to run for re-election.

Charles Allen #HandsOffDC #FreeDC Organizing Meeting

Are you a DC resident (or anyone else, for that matter) who is sick of congress meddling in the local affairs of our Nation’s Capital? Come join Charles Allen, Ward 6 DC City Council Member for an organizing meeting on how we can tell congress #HandsOffDC. The meeting will be held Monday, February 13, 2017 at the Atlas Performing Arts Center (1333 H Street, NE) starting at 6:30pm. Join other supporters of the movement and learn what we can do to make sure congress knows not to mess with us any more.

Make sure to RSVP for the event so that they have a good idea of the number of people to expect. I am thinking that this will draw a big crowd. Click here to see more information about the event and to RSVP on Charles Allen’s website.

Skiing at Whitetail


Yesterday, for the first time in 15 or so years, I went skiing. It was an easy day trip up from DC to Whitetail Resort, and the prices were very reasonable for a weekend all day pass with rental equipment.

The conditions were fair. There was a decent base of (man-made) snow and a perfect blue sky. As it got a little later in the afternoon, I started noticing some icy patches that made it harder for someone like me who has been out of the game for some time.

The lines for the lifts were a little long, but not horrible considering that we were told that this was the busiest day they have seen all season. I would happily go back to this mountain again. I may take a weekday off to do it and avoid some of the crowds, but even with the number of people who were there, I did not feel like it was too bad.

For more information on the resort, click here to take a look at their website.


There is campaign going on right now to let Congress know we want them to keep their hands off of DC laws and let those of us who live here decide what happens. The charge is being led by our city council members in a twitter campaign. Council member David Grasso (@cmdgrosso) writes “Keep it simple and say ‘I’m calling to tell Rep. _________ to respect the democratic rights of the residents of DC by keeping congress’ #HandsOffDC.'”

I think this is a great script to follow. It will keep the phone calls short, but gets across the message that we need. People to call are listed below with phone numbers:

Representative Amash – 202.225.3831
Representative DeSantis – 202.225.2706
Representative Hurd – 202.225.4511
Representative Issa – 202.225.3906
Representative Blum 202.225.2911

Its Groundhog Day!


Image taken from, may be subject to copyright 

The day has come again and the furry little rodent, Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow and we have been doomed to 6 more weeks of winter. However, if the winter continues as it has been so far, that’s not too bad. I don’t mind a few more days in the 40’s and 50’s before we jump back up to the 80’s and 90’s. Damn global warming.

On the bright side, I have noticed the sunrise coming much earlier each morning. Daylight savings can’t come fast enough.